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ZKM’s Hybrid Rollup to Revolutionize Ethereum's Role as Universal Settlement Layer

ZKM aims to transform Ethereum into a "universal settlement layer" for all applications. Discover how its innovative hybrid rollup is leading the way.

ZKM Propels Ethereum as Universal Settlement Layer.

Imagine if Ethereum was the "universal settlement layer" for every blockchain and non-blockchain application. This is the ambitious goal ZKM has set for itself. Having emerged from incubation backed by the MetisDAO Foundation, the developers of Metis, a layer-2 Ethereum protocol, ZKM is on a mission to make this vision a reality.

ZKM is crafting an innovative hybrid approach, combining the strengths of Optimistic and Zero-Knowledge rollups into one. Rollups, by bundling transactions, enhance throughput and reduce transaction costs. With this hybrid rollup, ZKM is geared up to revolutionize Ethereum's role in the blockchain universe.

Scheduled for operation on the Ethereum testnet by January next year, Metis will be the first network to harness ZKM's hybrid rollup. It will empower layer 1 chains to execute instant transfers from layer 2. In ZKM's words, "all users in the Metis ecosystem will benefit from instant, no-limit asset transfers."

But ZKM isn't stopping there. It aims to upgrade existing layer-2 networks such as Metis and Optimism. The end goal? Make its rollup compatible with other layer 1 networks like Solana, Avalanche, and BNB Chain.

Beyond the blockchain realm, ZKM aspires to leverage Ethereum as a settlement layer for non-blockchain applications. This means offering its robust infrastructure to platforms in cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT). In essence, ZKM is carving a path for Ethereum to become the backbone of the digital world. Are you ready for this leap into the future?
